Best Coffee for Diabetes: Indus Viva iCoffee

“iCoffee stands out as a diabetes-friendly option due to its unique formulation and brewing process. Unlike traditional coffee, Indus Viva iCoffee undergoes a proprietary roasting technique that reduces acidity while preserving the beans’ natural flavors. This innovative approach results in a smoother, more balanced cup of coffee that is gentle on the stomach and suitable for diabetics.”

indus viva Best Coffee for Diabetes iCoffee



With ICoffee You Can Manage Your Diabetes Without Losing Out On The Authentic Taste Of Coffee.

Net Weight : 50 sachets × 10 g = 500g (Black) 
indus viva Best Coffee for Diabetes iCoffee



With ICoffee You Can Manage Your Diabetes Without Losing Out On The Authentic Taste Of Coffee.

Net Weight : 50 sachets × 15 g = 750 g (Creamer)

About Diabetic Friendly Coffee: iCoffee

“The Charaka Samhita stands as the cornerstone of Ayurveda, tracing its origins back to 700 BC. Within this ancient text, Acharya Charaka Maharshi meticulously detailed a remarkable herb known as Salacia, alternatively referred to as Ekanayakam or Saptaranga. Renowned for centuries, the root of this tree holds profound significance in the management of Madhumeha, commonly known as Diabetes Mellitus. Its usage spans generations, offering therapeutic benefits that have stood the test of time.”

SALCITAL: a wonderful extract of Salacia

Discover the Best Coffee for Diabetes: iCoffee to Reduce Sugar Levels Immediately, Endorsed by Salacia, a Clinically Validated Herbal Extract Backed by Reputable Institutions Including the Clinical Trial Registry of India  (No: TRI/2012/05/002678), the National Institute of Medical Statistics (India Council of Medical Research), Clinical Trials :gov Identifiers: NCTO1680211(A service of the U.S.National Institute Of Health), World Health Organization, International Clinical Trials Registry platform.

Velvet Beans

Velvet bean, scientifically known as Mucuna pruriens, is rich in L-dopa, a natural compound. Referred to as Kapikacchu in Ayurveda, these beans have been utilized for diabetes management since ancient times. Numerous scientific studies have confirmed their effectiveness in controlling blood sugar levels, which helps in discover of best Coffee for Diabetes know as iCoffee to Reduce Sugar Levels Immediately.

Health Benefits of I-Coffee

Holistic Managment of blood Sugar Level

iCoffee black can be used for type 1 Diabetes whereas iCoffee creamer can be used for the other

Supports Healthy Heart

Maintains lipid level and decreases the risk of cardiac diseases

Overweight managment

Regulates appetite and metabolism by which it helps in overall weight management

Overall rejuvenation

Helps control obesity, stroke, blood pressure by managing optimum sugar levels.

Prevent Diabetes

Helps reduce the risk of diabetes and prediabetes by keeping blood sugar levels in check.

Maintain Cholestrol

Balances good (HDL) and bad (LDL) cholesterol ratio

Frequently Asked Questions?


  • How should I consume iCoffee?

    The recommended dosage of iCoffee is 1 sachet twice daily half an hour before food with 100 to 120 ml hot water

  • How should I store iCoffee?

    iCoffee must be stored in cool and dry place. Keep out of reach of children. Do not refrigerate

  • Diabetes?

    Patients with diabetes can consume iCoffee along with their prescribed medication and diet. Please contact your health care provider if any problem persists.

  • Pregnancy?

    Special precautions must be taken for complicated pregnancy, history of abortions and other sexually transmitted diseases. It should be consumed up to 6 months of pregnancy only. Please contact your health care provider if any problem persists

  • Blood pressure ?

    iCoffee has very low salt and electrolyte composition. Patients with blood pressure can consume iCoffee along with their prescribed medications. Please contact your health care provider if any problem persists

“Coffee stands as the world’s most popular beverage, with research indicating a significant reduction in the risk of certain diseases among regular drinkers. Studies reveal a notable 23–50% lower risk, with some instances showing an impressive 67% decrease. Moreover, beyond its impact on blood glucose levels, iCoffee aids in weight management by promoting a sense of fullness, contributing to a balanced lifestyle.”



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