
iCare : A Natural Solution for Female Hormonal Imbalance & Wellness

iCare is a natural remedy based on Ayurvedic principles, designed to address female hormonal imbalances, including PCOD & PCOS, and combat calcium deficiency. Our unique Incumin Complexâ„¢ blends Curcumin, Boswellia, Asparagus, and Valerian to promote holistic well-being. This potent formulation helps balance hormones, reduce stress, strengthen bones and muscles, and protect joints. iCare offers women a natural and effective solution to their health concerns.

iCare : A Natural Solution for Female Hormonal Imbalance & Wellness




ICare Is Purely A Wellness Supplement And Not Intended For Any Diagnostic Purpose Or Medicinal Use.

Net Weight : 1 Litre



In today’s fast-paced world, women face numerous challenges that can disrupt their hormonal balance, leading to various health issues such as PCOD & PCOS, calcium deficiency, menstruation problems, blood deficiency, thyroid disorders, and more. However, nature provides us with remedies that can help restore equilibrium within the body. One such solution is the ICare drink, enriched with bioavailable curcumin and other potent ingredients. Let’s delve deeper into how ICare drink offers a natural treatment for female hormonal imbalance and promotes overall wellness.


Main ingredients of


Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is a wonderful herb,  known in traditional eastern medicine as warming herb or spic


Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), is a nourishing tonic for women. which balances hormonal levels and menstruation cycle, also helps in nourishing a weak system


Frankincense (Boswellia serrata) is a tree that is native to India, Africa and Middle East that has anti-inflammatory effects and helps in managing joint pains


Valerian (Valeriana wallichii) has long been used for sleep disorders and anxiety, menopausal symptoms, depression and others.


Benefits of

Female Hormonal Imbalance Natural Treatment

Hormonal Wellness

  • ICare drink plays a pivotal role in maintaining hormonal balance.
  • helps to prevent conditions like PCOD and pelvic inflammatory disease.
  • Its holistic approach to wellness ensures relief from painful menstruation and post-menopausal disorders.
Female Hormonal Imbalance Natural Treatment

Osteo Wellness

  • By supporting bone health and mineral density, ICare drink helps prevent osteoporosis and arthritis.
  • Its rich nutritional profile addresses vitamin deficiencies and reduces aches and pains, enhancing overall bone health.
Female Hormonal Imbalance Natural Treatment

Psychological Wellness

  • Regular consumption of ICare drink aids in normalizing mood swings.
  • controlling psychological ailments such as depression, stress, anxiety, and panic disorders.
  • It fosters emotional stability and mental resilience in women.

Gut Wellness

  • ICare Drink aids in liver detoxification, improves digestion and metabolism, and reduces gastritis and acidity, promoting optimal gut health.
Female Hormonal Imbalance Natural Treatment

Cosmetic Wellness

  • Say goodbye to dermatitis, blemishes, and wrinkles with ICare Drink’s anti-cellulite properties. Enjoy revitalized, rejuvenated skin as part of your holistic wellness journey.
Female Hormonal Imbalance Natural Treatment

Immunity Wellness

  • Boost your immune function and reduce the risk of infections and allergies with ICare Drink. Experience fewer instances of anemia and enjoy overall health improvement.


Healthy Tips


  • Any side effects of iCare?

    No specific safety concerns and contra indications have been reported till date. The safety and efficacy of the product has been established through the clinical trials. The product is considerably free from adverse effects 

  • Diabetes?

    iCare contains non-nutritional and semi nutritional sugars like Fructose. Patients with diabetes can consume iCare with a special precaution in a very low or moderate quantity along with their prescribed medications. Please contact your health care provider if any problem persists 

  • Is iCare suitable for all age groups?

    iCare can be given for women above 35 years of age 

  • General Disclaimer ?

    iCare is purely a wellness supplement and not intended for any diagnostic purpose or medicinal use. Our products are purely Ayurvedic wellness supplements and not replacement for Clinical or surgical procedures. 


Frequently Asked

ICare 2

  • Pregnancy & lactation?

    Special precautions to be taken in complicated pregnancy, history of abortions and other sexually transmitted diseases. Please contact your health care provider if any problem persists. Please consult your physician if you are nursing 

  • How should I consume ipulse ?

    The recommended dosage of iCare is 30 ml twice daily half an hour before food. This can be mixed with equal quantity of water if required. 

  • High blood pressure?

    I-Care has ver low salt and electrolyt composition. Patients with High blood pressure can consume iCare along with their prescribed medications.Please contact your care provider if any problems persists.

  • How should I store iCare?

    iCare must be stored in cool and dry place. Keep out of reach of Children. Refrigerate before and after opening the seal. Shake well before use. 

In a world where hormonal imbalances are increasingly prevalent, ICare drink emerges as a beacon of hope for women seeking natural remedies. With its potent blend of bioavailable curcumin, Boswellia, asparagus, and valerian, ICare drink offers a comprehensive solution to female hormonal imbalance. By addressing not only the symptoms but also the underlying causes, ICare drink promotes holistic wellness, empowering women to lead healthier, happier lives



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